When investing in a new deck, most people want to ensure that they have done everything to give their deck the most extended life possible. Therefore, at Cascade Fence and Deck, we install G-Tape on every deck we build. It is a small task that reaps enormous rewards. But what exactly is G-Tape, how does it work, and why do we use it?

G-Tape is a high-quality self-sealing acrylic flashing tape used to seal and protect deck joists from wet-rot and moisture damage, especially at voids created by deck fasteners.
The main composition of G-Tape is a layer of high-density polyethylene cloth sandwiched between two low-density polyethylene laminated layers and an acrylic adhesive layer. These 4-layers create unmatched waterproofing properties with the ability to withstand long-term exposure to the sun without deterioration.
One of the most vulnerable points on your decking beams and joist is fastener penetration. G-tape utilizes a self-sealing technology that bonds with fasteners when penetrated, leaving behind a fully sealed penetration point. Much like a rain jacket protects us in the weather, g-tape does the same for your deck.
In addition to creating an extremely effective waterproof system for your joists and beams, its natural black color also has the added benefit of making hidden deck fasteners near disappear.
At Cascade Fence & Deck, we believe in giving our customers the best product possible. The use of G-Tape is just one of the many things we do to prolong the life of our clients’ decks.