When planning an outdoor fence or deck project, it’s essential to determine if your local county or city requires a permit for the specific type of work you plan to have done.
While some local agencies can issue permits as quickly as a day or two, others may take several months. When it comes to permitting for your project, Thoughtful and diligent planning can ensure that your project goes smoothly and does not face delays.

Typically fence projects do not require a permit unless you desire to build taller than the standard height (usually 6-8 feet tall). In Vancouver, Washington, any fence under 6-feet in height does not require a building permit. However, in Portland, Oregon, you may go as high as 7-feet without a building permit.
Permitting requirements vary from City to City and from County to County. Be sure to check with your local authorities or talk to your contractor about whether you’re going to need one and how long it will take to get it approved.
Generally, projects such as larger decks will require a permit. Anything higher off the ground, large patio covers. If there’s some risk involved structurally, it’s more likely that you’re going to need a permit. On the other hand, projects like decks close to the ground and standard fences typically do not require permitting. Unless you are building above the height limit, usually six or seven feet depending on your location.
It is also essential to be aware of any Home Owners Association or Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions. These organizations may often be even more stringent than your local city or county regarding what you are or are not allowed to install. So make sure you check with those as well before you move forward with the project.